The Nativity Scene | Christmas Songs titles | Christmas Decorations | Classic Christmas Movies | Jesus Facts |
What is swaddling
Often used to keep infants from flailing around, Mary wrapped Jesus in this type of clothing
What is oh come all ye faithful
“Oh come let us adore him”
What is the wreath
Any decorated house must start with this decoration on the front door
What is “A Christmas Carol”
In this movie, the main character is changed by reminders of the past and by glimpses of the future
What is the star
This object symbolized Jesus and lead the wise men.
Who are the Shepherds
The angels came and told this group of men that the Savior was born in their same country.
What is Joy to the world
“Heaven and nature sing”
What is the star
The wisemen would be especially proud of your decorations included this common tree topper.
What is ‘White Christmas’
Bing Crosby dreams about this film.
What is Emmanuel
This name means “God with us”
What is taxes
This life certainty caused Joseph and Mary to leave Nazareth and head to Bethlehem
What is Oh little town of Bethlehem
“The hopes and fears of all the years”
What are lights
Foil used to be used to brighten up the Christmas tree. Now we use these.
What is “ A Charlie Brown Christmas”
This still popular 1960’s cartoon movie states the real meaning of Christmas and includes Scriptue
Who is God
Though often mistaken as Joseph, He is the actual Father of Jesus
What are Mark and John
Despite being one of the greatest events in history, these two gospels completely omit the birth of Jesus
What is Hark the herald angels sing
“Glory to the new born king”
What is ball ornaments
Found on most Christmas trees, these were the first tree decorations known to be sold for profit.
What is Clarence
Jimmy Stewart’s guardian angel’s charcuterie name in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.
What is “King of the Jews”
The wise men referred to Jesus as this, which irked Herod.
What is the number of gifts
Though the number is unknown and was likely larger, the wise men are depicted as a number of three for what reason
What is Silent night
“Holy infant”
What is the Christmas tree
Likely originating in Germany, this widely used decoration was used in a play of Adam and Eve and depicted the garden of Eden.
What is ‘Christmas In Connecticut’
This 1940’s film depicted a snow filled, charming farm in a northeast state, and brought love to a self involved magazine writer.
Who is David
This OT character is mentioned several times in the account of Jesus birth due to where and by who his birth took place.