The Future of USA and CA Relations | The Role of the USA so far | The Role of CA so far | Hypothetical Situations | Random |
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Do you think that ties with America are in the best interest for CA states?
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Do you think it was in America's best interest to react as it did to to the killings of 187 – Uzbek government – alleged terrorists on May 13 2005?
How has the CA benefited from the security partnership with the USA so far?
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Laruelle (2012) suggest that a three way relation between CA, Europe and the USA could be in CA’s best interest, especially in terms of improving good governance (p. 5). Do you think that a transatlantic relationship between these three nations could actu
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Uzbek President Karimov proclaimed Russia to be a "natural security partner" (Cooley, 2012, p. 40). In terms of security, what can Russia offer that the USA cannot?
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Do you think the USA lead ‘AfPak’ goals of 2009 (i.e. promoting democracy and human rights) will ensure USA presence in the future years?
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What lessons about promoting “good governance” did American learn from the eviction of K2?
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Mankoff (2013, p. 2) has noted that in the past, the USA foreign policy has seen CA mostly through the lens of Afghanistan, while Europe may see CA foreign policy through the lens of Asia or Russia(Laruelle, 2012, p. 2) How does this effect CA’s identity?
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If the events of Andijan in 2005 had never occurred, and no human rights were severely breached, where do you think US/CA relations would be today?
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Do you think calling the NDN the “new silk road” is too idealistic?
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After troops leave Afghanistan, how will the US interest in CA change?
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Do you think America has had any success implementing America values on good governance and democracy in its partnership with CA?
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“Central Asia’s weak states are at odds among themselves and are incapable of addressing the threats of crime, drugs, and extremism coursing through the region” (Mankoff, 2013, p. 1).
Do you think in post- 2014, CA will indefinitely need states like the U |
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If the US cut all funds they knew were being funneled towards corruption in CA. What could be the outcome?
Cooley states that “US planners acknowledge that the greatest obstacle to building an effective and legitimate state in Afghanistan is the problem of corruption” (p. 49), and yet the USA has been argued to have tolerated corruption and governance problems
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The USA claims it wants to help the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) become more corruption free. Do you think these goals will be successful?
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Do you think Russia and China have a reason to feel threatened by America’s security influence on CA?
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Is there a CA state that the USA has the most interest in?
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If an American company had been given control over Navoi, rather than South Korea, how might that influence a power shift in the region?
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Mankoff (2013) argues that in the post-2014 years U.S. engagement should “focus on improving governance—ranging from tax collection, to social services, to judicial and security sector reform—preventing state failure, and boosting intraregional trade” (p.
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The USA interest with security in CA changing, do you think in the future the USA will still be interested in a militarized agenda?
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Cooley’s book Great Games, Local Rules was published in 2012; since then US numbers in Afghanistan has been greatly reduced. Do you think current U.S. presence in CA is important or not?
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“To a certain extent, Tajikistan is a largely forgotten figure in the US Central Asia policy” (Laruelle, 2014 p. 4). Why do you think this is?
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If the USA never set out a war in Afghanistan, what relationship would it have with CA now?
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What have CA and the USA learned from their partnership so far?