We Will, We Will Rock Eukaryotes Prokaryotic Parade The Cells In Me Insane Membrane Potpourri
What is a Cell Wall
Unlike animal cells, plant cells are surrounded by one of these structures made of cellulose.
What is Bacteria
We often refer to microscopic prokaryotic organisms by this name.
What are Stem Cells
Though research involving these unspecialized cells remains controversial, they play a very important role in our body's growth, development, and healing.
What is Hydrophobic
The inner portion of the plasma membrane has this property, meaning it repels water.
What is pH
Biological buffers help us maintain homeostasis by stabilizing this measurement in each part of our body.
What is the Nucleus
DNA is contained in this organelle, referred to as the control center of the cell.
What are Mitochondria
Prokaryotic cells lack membrane-bound organelles, such as these cell powerhouses that convert glucose to ATP.
What is the Skin
The epidermis, which is the top layer of this organ, is made up of smooth, flat cells that keep our body safe from pathogens.
What are Phospholipids
The plasma membrane is mostly composed of these two-tailed molecules.
What is Osmosis
Diffusion of water across a membrane.
What are Proteins
Ribosomes use directions from RNA to synthesize these important and versatile macromolecules.
What is the Capsule
Prokaryotic cells are surrounded by three layers, the outermost being this sticky, protective layer.
What are Red Blood Cells
AKA Erythrocytes, these disc-shaped cells transport oxygen throughout your body.
What is Mosaic
Proteins, and carbohydrates can shift and float in the loosely connected lipid layers. This model of the membrane is often referred to as the Fluid this artful term.
What is Facilitated Diffusion
In this type of diffusion, transport proteins help larger molecules cross the lipid bilayer.
What are Chloroplasts
These organelles are the location of photosynthesis in plant cells.
What are Pili
These hairlike structures on the surface of prokaryotic cells are used for attachment or sexual reproduction.
What are Sperm Cells
The two human sex cells are known as the ova (egg cells) and these male gametes.
What is Hypertonic
When water is leaving a cell because of a concentration gradient, this term describes the surrounding solution.
What is the Nucleolus
This structure inside the nucleus is responsible for creating our ribosomes.
What are Vacuoles
Animals and plants both have these storage organelles, but they are much larger in plant cells and help provide structural integrity.
What are Plasmids
Most of a prokaryote's DNA is found in a large, central nucleoid, but some of it is isolated in these small rings.
What are Nerve Cells / Neurons
These branching cells transmit signals from your brain to the rest of your body and back.
What are Glycoproteins
The cell membrane is imbedded with two types of proteins: transport proteins and these proteins with attached carbohydrates.
Who is Robert Hooke
Inventor of the compound microscope and namer of cells.

Cells and Cell Transport

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