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What is ribosomes
This structure is free in cytoplasm and also attached to ER
What is vacuole
This moves material around a plant cell and provides storage
What is nucleolus
I help build ribosomes and some other cell parts. I'm a small dot within the nucleus
What is mitochondria
I make atp
What is mitochondria
The structure of this is in both animals and plants cells. It is a double membrane.
What is ER
I help complete proteins and make membranes
What is nucleus
The cell brain, protecting DNA
What issugar+O2=ATP
Cellular respiration is this
What is cytoplasm
This is a fluid that fills cells
What is cytoskeleton
I provide support for the cell and I'm made of interconnected protein fibers
What is cell wall - cellulose
I support plant cells and fungi and I am made up of...
What is ribosomes
I'm a protein factory, learning what todo from DNA
What is vacoules
Found mostly in plant, these are made of a membrane sac
What is Golgi apparatus
I am like UPS hq, finishing, modifying , and sorting proteins to be shipped in vesicles
What is centrioles
Made of microtubules, I help coordinate cell divisom
What is cellular membrane
I control what enters and exits a cell. I communication with other cells
What is call membrane
This double layer of fat, or phospholipid bilayer makes up the
What is lysosomes
I digest food for energy and clean up and recycle, made of a membrane sac of digestive enzymes
What is cytoplasm. Nutrients, amino acids, water
I'm a jelly like fluid inside the cell. What am I and what do I contain?
What is receptor molecules
This structure on the celllar membrane help receive signals