Animal Cell | Plant cell | inside the nucleus | misc. | misc. |
What is vacuole
this organelle is "pool" of water they are storage
What is chloroplast
the organelle that makes food for the plant cell
What is nucleus
this control center of the cell
What is Golgi body
the organelle that transports food to the rest of the cell
What is animal cell
a heterotrophs cell is
What is cell membrane
this organelle is the "border patrol" lets things in or out of the cell
What is cell wall
the organelle that provides support and structure
What is nuclear membrane
the coating of the nucleus
What is Animal cell
this cell is usually round
What is vacuole
the small 'pools' of water
What is cytoplasm
this organelle holds the other organelles in place
What is central vacuole
the large 'pool' of water found in the center of the plant cell that provides support and structure
What is chromatin
What is plant cell
this cell is usually square
What is cells
the building block of all life
What is ribosomes
this organelle makes proteins
What is mitochondria
the 'powerhouse' of the cell or makes energy for the cell
What is nucleolus
the center of the nucleus that makes ribosomes
What is vesicle
the transport unit of the cell
What is ribosome
Mrs. Triana's favorite organelle is
What is lysosome
this organelle cleans the cell
What is smooth E.R.
the organelle that makes lipids
What is nuclear pores
the pores on the nuclear membrane
What is plant cell
this cell is in an autotroph
What is rough E.R.
what organelle sends proteins to the Golgi body