Move Fast & Break Things | Everyday I'm Hustlin' | Customer Success FTW | OH SH** | Out of the Office |
What is Celery Black
This is the name of the feature set we released for Black Friday
What is SF Hardware Meetup
This is name the monthly event that Mark attends to generate new launcher leads
What is Jenny
This is the name of our female customer support and onboarding manager Note: she is not a real person.
Who is Brian
This is the person who is excels QA and debugging
What is Napa
The location of our anniversary offsite in May
What is direct link, modal overlay and embedded iframe
Any of the three standard ways you can embed Celery pre-orders
What is $75K
This is the minimum size of crowdfunding project that we pursue as a customer
What is Slackbot
This is the name of the robot in Slack that talks back at us
What is "Oh Sh**"
This is Brian's favorite saying when he think something is broken
What is Toronto
This is the city that Grace works out of in Canada
What is Selfstarter
This is the name of Lockitron open source template for crowdfunding
What is Vonnik
This is the nickname we gave to our PR hustler, who is now our PR advisor
The three the email aliases we use for inbound support
What is reboot Heroku
This is usually Peter's first reaction to a Celery outtage
What is K1-Speed
This is the name of the Go-Kart place we went to for our last offsite
What is Orange Chef, Olio or Bodybrew
The name of a customer that used Celery Launch while it was still in beta (pre-announcement)
What is too many to count, or 10+ total, or 5+ each
This is the number of email addresses that Ed uses to do customer outreach
What is gmail, uservoice, helpscout, zendesk, intercom
The names 3 of the 4 support systems we have used at Celery
What is DNSmiple outtage, Plastc launch
Name the cause of the one of two major Celery outtages
What is Taco Buffet! (by Jesus Gardenas)
This is what we catered for last year's Christmas party
What is Push it by Salt n Pepa
Peter's favorite song to play when deploy production code (need artist)
What is Theradome at over $5.5M (also unofficially Pebble at $10M+, Sphero is 2nd at $3.8M)
The amount of sales processed by the largest Celery seller to date
What is Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra
This is the name of the orchestra that Bhavin led as Executive Director
Who is Spark, or Stephanie from Spark
This is the name of the customer (individual) who has suffered probably the most from our instability, but who remarkably is still around
What is Bruno getting rammed by Mark at Go-Kart
This is the only incident where a Celery team member was injured ot an offsite