Temples | Conference | The Book of Mormon | The Holy Bible | Preach My Gospel |
What is St. George, Utah
Oldest operating temple
What is 184th
This was the ___________ Annual General Conference
What is
1 Nephi 2 Nephi Jacob Enos Jarom Omni Words of Mormon Mosiah Alma Helaman 3 Nephi 4 Nephi Mormon Ether Moroni
Books in the Book of Mormon
What are
Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Cor 2 Cor Galatians Ephesians Philipians Collosians 1 Thes 2 Thes Timothy Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James Peter Peter John John John Jude Revelation
Books in the New Testament
What is 13
Number of Chapters in PMG
What is Gilbert, Arizona
The most recently dedicated Temple
What is 317 members in 8 quorums
There are _______ Seventies in ______ 8 Quorums
Who are Coriantmur and Shiz
The 2 last Jaredites (excluding Ether)
Who are
Simon (Peter) Andew James John Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James Thaddeaus Simon (the Zealot) Judas Iscariot
Christ's original apostles
What is 6
Number of pamphlets that accompany PMG
What is 142
The number of Temples currently in Operation
What is the Sunday School General President
Tad R. Callister was released fromthe Presidency of the Seventy and sustained as the
What is Nahom
The place where Ishmael was buried
Who is Nehemiah
This man was the cupbearer of King Artaxerxes returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. Evil men plotting to kill him asked him to come down from the wall to which he responded "I am doing a great work, so I cannot come down"
What is 2004
The year Preach My Gospel was Released
What is Laie, Hawaii
The first temple built outside of Utah
Who are
Thomas S. Monson Henry B. Eyring Dieter F. Utchdorf Boyd K. Packer L. Tom Perry Russell M. Nelson Dallin H. Oakes M. Russell Ballard Richard G. Scott Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland David A. Bednar Quentin L. Cook D. Todd Christofferson Neil L.
Name the 15 Members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The TOTAL number of the Sons of Helaman
What are
Genesis Exodous Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel Samuel Kings Kings Chronicles Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Ester Job Psalms Proverbs Eccleastiacs Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentation Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obed
Books in the Old Testament
What is
Message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Plan of Salvation The Gospel of Jesus Christ The Commandments Laws and Ordinances
Lessons in Chapter 3
What is Cardston, Alberta Canada
The first international Temple
What is courage not compromise
_______ not _______________ brings the smile of God's approval. -Thomas S. Monson
What is an Ezrom
Silver coin worth 4 senums
What are
water to blood frogs gnats or lice flies livestock diseased boils thunder and hail locusts darkness death of firstborn
Name 5 of the 10 plagues of egypt
What is
Faith hope charity and love virtue knowledge patience humility diligence obedience
Christlike Attributes listed in Chapter 6