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What is sensorimotor, pre-operations, concrete operations, formal operations (p.43)
Jean Piaget's idiographic approach created his theory with four stages. What is the correct order from stages 1 to 4?
What is an avoidance-avoidance conflict (p.140)
When a person has two negative alternatives, it is called what kind of conflict?
What is verbal tracking? (p.253)
Attending behavior that is verbal is also called what?
What is the manner in which discussions occur (p.263)
Group content refers to the material covered in a group setting. Group process refers to what?
Who is Alfred Adler (p.179)
Lifestyle, birth order, and family constellation are emphasized by which theorist?
Who is Eric Erikson (p.49)
The term "identity crisis" comes from the work of which theorist?
Who is Stanley Milgram (p.138)
Who is associated with obedience and authority?
What is genuineness (or congruence), unconditional positive regard, and empathetic understanding (p.250)
Rogers felt that what three conditions make up an effective helping climate?
What is blocking (p.302)
A leader who wishes to stop inappropriate discussion should rely on what skill?
What is personalism (p.132)
The idea that all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands is described by what term?
What is 6 stages divided into 3 levels (p.64)
In his theory of moral development, Kohlberg lists how many stages of moral development which fall into how many levels?
What is an etic viewpoint (p.130)
The statement, "All humans, from all cultures, all races, and all nations are more alike than different" is based on what viewpoint?
What is the Parent State, because it represents the synthesis of the messages received from parental or authority figures which shape our personality and moral code (p.151)
According to the theory of Transactional Analysis (TA), individuals have three ego states: the Parent, the Adult, and the Child. Which of these ego states correlates to Freud's Superego and why?
What is 5 to 8 (p.302)
Most experts agree that an effective adult counseling group has how many members (what range)
What is linking? (p.303)
When a group leader attempts to relate one person's predicament to another person's predicament, it is known as what?
What is conservation (p.44)
Water is poured from a tall, skinny pitcher into a short, squat pitcher. A child indicates that (s)he feels the squat pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastered what concept?
What is cognitive dissonance? (p.120)
The notion that discrepancies or inconsistencies between cognitions and attitudes cause tension in a client's life can be described using what term?
What are musterbations (p.224)
"Should"s are what, according to Albert Ellis?
What is autocratic, democratic, and lassez-faire (p.279)
What are the three basic styles of group leadership?
Who is Jacob Moreno (p.258)
This man, known as the father of psychodrama, coined the term group therapy
Who is Harry Harlow? (p.81)
Which theorist was most concerned with material deprivation?
What is a connotative error (p.126)
When talking about how she felt she looked, a client said she was "bad" even though she literally meant attractive. Her counselor misunderstood her to mean that she looked unattractive. This misunderstanding could be described as what kind of error?
What is a phony layer, a phobic layer, an impasse layer, an implosive layer, and an explosive layer (p.242)
By creating his theory of Gestalt counseling, Fritz Perls suggested that what layers must be peeled away in order to reach emotional stability?
What are horizontal interventions?
Strategies that approach the group as a whole are known as what?
What is head to foot (p.62)
Development is cephalocaudal, which means what?