EKG's | Phelbotomy | Communication | Measurements | Cardiac |
call for help and begin CPR
Patient loses consciousness, EKG ventricular fibrillation, what do you do?
CBC additive?
Protected Health Information
What does PHI stand for?
How many kilograms equal 1 pound?
What stage would a BP reading of 124/87 considered?
5th intercostal space, midclav line
12 Lead EKG, 4th precordial electode placement?
Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Lavender, Gray
Correct order of draw?
This scheduling method is used when scheduling 3 patients at a time?
280 divided by 2.2 = 127 kilograms (127.27)
If a patient ways 280 pounds how many kilograms do they weight?
If a heart rate is consistently over 100 beats per minutes its considered?
Muscle movement, tremors, shivering, or shaking can cause this in a EKG?
to prevent clotting
Why do you invert anticoagulant tubes?
The Physician
Who discusses the consent with a patient prior to a procdure?
If a patient has a temperature of 39.5 celsius, what is the temperature in fahrenheit?
25mm per second
Most common speed for an EKG?
40 beats per minute, 1,500 divided by 37
37 small boxes on an EKG is what heart rate?
Winged infusion Set
What needle would you use for fragile veins?
Parent with the earliest birth month is primary.
How do you pick the primary insurance policy if insured by both parents?
If a patient is 5' 8" how many centimeters are they?
14 times .04 seconds. = .56
What would the duration be if the QT interval was 14 small boxes long.
Leads I, II, and III
What leads make up the Einthovens Triangle?
Capillary Collection
What method is preferred when collecting blood on a pt under 2 years old?
call the provider to confirm
If you find a dose missing in the provider order; what should you do?
72.8" or 6'1"
If a patient is 185 centimeters how inches tall is the patient?
QRS complex
This represents the time it takes for the ventricles to depolarize?