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8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
Skip count the 8s
Rocky Mountains, Pikes Peak, Mt. Elbert, Sierra Nevadas, Mt. Whitney
What are the Western Mountains?
It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which is also the number of electrons in a neutral atom.
What is the atomic number?
and his Rough Riders defeated the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Hill, while trying to help the Cubans win their independence."
Complete the sentence: "In 1898, Theodore Roosevelt . . .
Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Second Great Awakening
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
Skip count the 12s
Cascade Mountains, Mt. Ranier, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. McKinley
What are the Northwest Mountains?
An element is a basic chemical substance defined by its atomic number, number of protons, and atomic mass.
What is an element?
asked Congress to declare war on the Central Powers two years after German U-boats sank the Lusitania, killing American citizens.
Complete the sentence: "In 1917, President Wilson . . .
American Revolution and General George Washington
James Cook sails to Australia and Antarctica
length times width (A=l x w)
What is the area of a rectangle?
Chesapeake Bay, Hudson Bay, San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Pamlico Sound
What are the bays and sounds we have learned?
5. Boron (11)
6. Carbon (12) 7. Nitrogen (14). 8. Oxygen (16)
What are the second four elements on the periodic table, by atomic number, element, and mass?
and the Dredd Scott Decision preceded the secession of the Southern States"
Complete the sentence: "The Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act...
US Westward Expansion
Cherokee Trail of Tears
1/2 base times height (A= 1/2bh)
What is the area of a triangle?
Missouri River, Mississippi River, Arkansas River, Ohio River, St. Lawrence River
What are the 5 rivers in the East?
9. Fluorine (19)
10. Neon (20) 11. Sodium (23) 12. Magnesium (24)
What are the third four elements on the periodic table, by atomic number, element, and mass?
bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, causing the U.S. to join the Allies in World War II."
Complete the sentence: "In 1941, the Japanese . . .
Reconstruction of the Southern States
Lincoln's War Between the States
pi (3.14) times the radius squared
What is the area of a circle?
Cumberland Road, Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail, Old Spanish Trail, Mormon Trail, California Trail, Gila Trail
Name the Trails we have learned.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of His hands. (Psalms 19:1)
What do the heavens declare?
and its allies formed NATO to resist the spread of Soviet Communism."
Complete the sentence: "In 1949, the U.S. . .
Spanish American War
Boer Wars in Africa