Election of 1860 | Slavery | Expansion | North v South | Miscellaneous |
Who is Abraham Lincoln
This man was elected in 1860
What is slavery
This caused the major divide between the North and South
What is Manifest Destiny
The belief that America was supposed to expand and settle the whole North America
What is the North
This region held the maority of the House of Representatives
What is perfect equillibrium
Missouri and Maine were admitted at the same time to maintain this
What is South Carolina
The first state to suceed the Union after Lincoln was elected
Who is Dred Scott
He was a slave that sued for his freedom
What is Westward
America has always looked to expand this way
What is the Wilmot Proviso
Document that declared slavery should not exist in newly established territories
What is the Democratic party
This political party was establishe after the Kansas Nebraska Act was signed
Whati is the Republican Party
The politcal party that was against slavery
Who is John Brown
He was an abolitionist that sought to lead a slave rebellion
Who is James Polk
This United States President was responsible for the annexation of Texas and part of Oregon
Who is Henry Clay
This man negotiated compromises to settle tension between North and South
What is Oregon
This state was admitted as the same time as Texas
Who is John C Beckinbridge
This man was the canidate for the Southern Democrats
What is the Dred Scott decision
This decision gave slavery the protection under the US constitution
What is the Missouri Compromise
This document admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state
What is popular sovereignty
Idea inroduce in Kansas-Nebraska Act in which the people coud decide whether or not their state would be slave or free
What is the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
This treaty was quickly caught up in sectional tension between pro and anti-slavery factions
Who is Stephen Douglass
This canidated believed that popular sovereignty was the policy regarding slavery
What is Missouri
Slavery was commonly practiced in this newly admitted state
What is the Rio Grande River
This river became the border of Texas after the Mexican-American War
What is Bleeding Kansas
Incident in which North and South militia armies fought eachother
What is the 36 30'' line of lattitude
This line divided the Louisiana Territory geographically