Who is Steven King?
The American author, often described as the King of Horror, struggled with alcoholism and drug abuse during the 1970s before friends and family staged an intervention.
What is abstinence?
Meriam-Webster Dictionary defines this as “to choose not to do or have something, or to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice.”
What are depressants?
A class of drugs that decreases activity level, heart rate, blood pressure, can impair motor functioning, create difficulty concentrating, and can result in slurred speech.
What is contemplation?
This stage of change involves acknowledging that there is a problem, but may not be ready for change, not yet sure of wanting change, or lacking confidence to make a change.
What is fear?
A primary emotion that most addicts feel prior to picking up drugs and/or alcohol for the first time.
Who is Anthony Hopkins?
Perhaps best known for his role as Hannibal Lecter, this actor has stayed sober since he stopped drinking just after Christmas 1975—he just celebrated 47 years.
What is guilt/shame?
A common, unpleasant emotion experienced by individuals in early recovery (think detox and rehab especially).
What are stimulants?
A class of drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure, dilates pupils, and leads to an increased activity level.
What is maintenance?
This stage of change involves being able to successfully avoid temptations to return to previous behaviors.
What is faith?
This spiritual principle is necessary when surrendering to a higher power.
Who is Robert Downey, Jr.?
This Marvel hero emerged in the 80s as a promising young actor who struggled with addiction and quickly found himself gathering several arrests. With the support of loved ones, he was able to turn his life around and eventually become the world's highest-paid male actor.
What is a "pink cloud"?
Often experienced in early recovery, this occurs when an individual feels exhilarated or overjoyed, and very confident in their ability to remain clean and sober moving forward.
What is alcohol?
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates more than 140,000 people die from excess use of this drug each year in the U.S.
What is precontemplation?
Not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed.
What are friends?
While in active addiction, addicts often lose these.
Who is Samuel L. (MF) Jackson?
This Snakes on a Plane actor got sober in 1991 after a “crack-induced meltdown" that ended in his eight-year-old daughter finding him passed out in the kitchen surrounded by his drug paraphernalia.
What is purple?
The month of September, recognized as National Recovery Month in the U.S., is always represented by this color.
What are opioids?
According to drugabusestatistics.org (2023), this type of drug is responsible for about 136 overdose deaths each day in the United States (Ohio sees 4,251 each year).
What is action?
This stage of change involves actively changing behaviors.
What is free?
People in recovery are said to be "happy, joyous, and” this.
Who is Adele?
This 16-time Grammy winner stated, "I stopped drinking. That’s one great way of really sort of getting to know yourself is being sober.” Say “Hello” to this British singer.
What is recovery?
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMSHA), this is defined as “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.”
What is nicotine?
It only takes about 8 seconds for this drug to reach the brain once administered.
What is preparation?
This is the stage of change involves getting ready to make a change by researching ways to go about it, or asking for resources to make a change.
What is forgive?
This is something we must do for ourselves before we can do this for others.