Positives about Catholicism | Historical Background | False Doctrine | False Doctrine 2 | Jambalaya |
Unity and Central Leadership ,Influence & Reach
,Longevity, Charity
What is one positive about Catholicism
What is the Greek word for Universal
talk about the difference between " your Bible and their Bible"
What is a bad method of refuting false doctrine
in 1 Timothy 2:1-5, Jesus is our only _____ between us and God
1.2 Billion
\In the sermon, how many members does the Catholic Church have ? |
1800 years
What is the longevity of Catholicism
200 AD
According to the sermon, what year was Christianity heavily persecuted ?
Standard of Judgement
According to John 12:47-48, God's scripture is the ONLY _____ between eternal life and death
Mark 11:23-24
Mark 11:23-24
In the sermon What scripture mentions to have faith in God and whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it, and it will be yours |
The Roman Empire neutral of all religious views
What did the Edict of Milan declare in 312 AD
non-government; health care
Catholicism has the largest _____ provider of ____ services in the world |
Religion; angering the gods
One primary way of unifying Rome was through ____. Christians refusing to adopt polytheism were seen as ____.
Mathew 16:13-19
What scripture mentions Peter as the little rock and JESUS as the BIG rock
1 Cor 9:3-6 ; Peter had a wife 1 Timothy 4:1-3 ; bible is clear about the characteristics of those who forbids others to marry
Name one scripture used to refute celibate priesthood; and briefly explain why
use their translation of the bible against them
Based on the sermon the best strategy to go with when when studying with a Catholic is
Unity and Central leadership, Influence and Reach. Longevity, Charity
What are all the positives of Catholicism
Emperor Constantine; Chi-Rho
in 312 AD which emperor leads the Roman Forces to the Milvian Bridge and what sign did he use yo achieve victory
adelphos; Mark 3:20-21, 31-35
What is the greek word for brothers and which scripture mentions that Mary had other sons after Jesus |
Ezekiel 18:19-20
Mathew 19:14 Colossians 2:12
Based on the sermon, write the 3 scriptures used to refute infant baptism
326 AD
what year did Pope Sylvester 1 consecrate the Basilica of St. Peter built by Constantine
5,500 65
Catholicism has many countless welfare and social-care programs : such as _____ number of medical clinics, ____ hospitals with ____ percent of them located in the US
Emperor Theodosian 1 declares Catholic Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire
Explain the important event in 380 AD
Peter the "Rock" and Papal Infallibility, Scripture and Tradition, Perpetual Virginity of Mary, Infant Baptism and Original Sin, Veneration of Saints, Celibate Priesthood
What are all the false Doctrines mentioned in the sermon in order
Abandoned the Faith ,Followed Deceiving Spirits, is a hypocritical liar, has a seared conscience
in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 what are the characteristics of anyone who forbids others to marry
have not repented
have no faith sinless
Based on the sermon, name 3 reasons why babies can not be baptized