Social Justice Justice and Virtues Justice and Society Right to Life Prejudice & Racism
What is False?
T of F: Christian view of the human person is that we are fundamentally evil, but capable of doing good.
What is False?
T or F: The American view of justice is the same as the biblical view of justice
What is "life is like a spider web"?
We are all interconnected. Touch on strand and the whole web trembles
What is "Thou shall not kill"?
The Fifth Commandment
What is prejudice?
A favourable or unfavourable feeling toward a person or thing, prior to, or not based on, actual fact
What is dignity?
The state of being worthy, honoured or esteemed
What is social change and social service?
Long term justice and short term charity/love
What is true?
T of F: The family is the fundamental social group
What is "womb to tomb"?
Catholics are called to protect life from _____ to _____?
What is racism?
Awareness of the biologically determined superiority of one's own race or ethnic group with respect to others
What is life and to participate in society
The most fundamental human right
What are the theological virtues?
Faith (Empowers us to believe in God), Hope (Enables us to trust in Christ's promises), Charity or Love ( Loving God above everything)
What is natural law?
Written on the human heart and discovered by human reason
What is Euthanasia?
"Mercy Killing"
What is institutional racism?
When racism infects every aspect of society
What is Stewarship?
In order to cut down on garbage at school, little Johnny brings his lunch in reusable plastic containers instead of bags.
What are Cardinal Virtues?
Prudence (Human reason wedded to truth), Fortitude (The courage to do what is right and true) and Temperance (moderates our appetites for pleasure)
What is universal?
The precepts of the natural law are unchangeable, permanent and _______, that is, applying to all persons, in every society, for all time.
What is False? 4000 Abortions
T or F: 6000 abortions are performed in the United States each day
What is a Mestizos?
People of mixed European and Native American ancestry
What is Human Dignity; Respect for Human Life; Call to Family, Community and Participation; Rights of Responsibilities; Common Good; Love for the Poor and Vulnerable; Work and Workers; Solidarity; Stewardship
List the principles of Justice
What is justice as a virtue?
Commutative Justice (justice between two or more parties), Legal Justice ( regulates a citizen's obligation to the larger society), Distributive Justice (the just distribution of the goods of creation), Social Justice (tying together the biblical teaching
1. clothing or food drive. 2. Clean up the yard of the elderly. 3. Offer to run errands. 4. Tutor at an elementary school. 5. Volunteer at a food or clothing bank. 6. Take children to parks or movies. 7. Visit a nursing home. 8. Attend services at
What are four things you can do for the poor?
What's is the Seamless Garment?
Universal Health Care; Responsibility in Communication; Economic Justice; Arms Control; Dealth Penalty; Option for the Poor; Euthanasia; Workers Rights; Pro-Family; Abortion, Anti-Violence; Fair Housing; Environmental Justice; Welfare Reform; Anti-Discrim
What are the stages of prejudice?
Antilocution, Avoidance, Discrimination, Physical Attack, Extermination

Catholic Social Teaching

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