Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
What are the Gospels of the Bible in order?
Pope John Paul II
Which was recently canonized as a saint?
A disciple
A person who learns from and follows the teachings of another person is ________
Korean Martyrs Catholic Center
What does KMCC stand for?
How many books are there in the entire Bible?
Who established the 10 commandments?
_______ is the Sacrament of Initiation when we are first joined to Jesus; receive the gift of the Holy Spirit; original and personal sins are forgiven.
Columban Fathers
Who were the founders of KMCC?
"Jesus wept."
Jn 11:35
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Saint Peter
To whom did Jesus give the "keys of the kingdom of Heaven"?
Holy Trinity
The central belief of the Christian faith
7655 Trask Ave, Westminster, CA 92683
What is the address of KMCC?
"In the beginning.."
What are the first 3 words and the last word of the Bible?
Who was told to go to the "promised land" by God?
The 7 main liturgical signs of the Church
Father Eugene
Who is the first permanent diocesan priest at KMCC?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
What are the first 5 books of the Old Testament in order?
Simon (called Peter)
Andrew (Peter's brother) John (son of Zebedee) James (John's brother) Phillip Bartholomew Thomas (called Didymus) Matthew James Thaddeus Simon Judas
Name the 12 apostles
Sacrament of Initiation where we share in the Paschal Mystery of Christ; receive body and blood of Christ
Inyoung Brian Agnes Anthony Catharina Valeria Emily Mark Yongmi Grace
What are the names of all the teachers, including TAs and Junior High, in SRE?