b) Jerusalem
What is the city where Jesus died on the cross:
a) Bethlehem b) Jerusalem c) Bethany d) Rome |
Sin can weaken or destroy our life as God's children.
True or False? |
To be happy is a personal quest and does not concern what happens to others.
True or False? |
John, the beloved disciple
To whom did Jesus speak from the cross when he gave his mother to be the mother of us all?
How many gifts of the Holy Spirit are there?
a) Caiaphas
Who was the High Priest who sought Jesus' death?
a) Caiaphas b) Herod c) Pilate d) Zechariah |
It is necessary to go to a priest to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.
True or False? |
One can love God and still hate one's neighbour as long as you do not harm them.
True of False? |
Hail, favoured one
or Greetings, favoured one or Hail, full of gracce (Luke 1.28)
In the Bible, what were the exact words of the first greeting of the angel to Mary when he annoinced the birth of Jesus?
God the Father
To whom are the prayers of the Mass primarily addressed?
d) Barabbas
Who was the criminal released by Pilate at the trial of jesus:
a) Simon of Cyrene b) Judas c) Dismas c) Barabbas |
Act of contrition
What prayer does one pray during confession in order to express true sorrow for sin and a desire for God's forgiveness?
Talents do not need to be distributed equally in order to have a just society.
True or False? |
The Baptism of The Lord, or The Marriage Feast at Cana, or the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
or The Transfiguration, or the Institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper
Name two of the five luminous mysteries off the Rosary.
The Church does not pray directly to Mary to intercede on our behalf.
True or False? |
Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
b) The Prodigal Son
What parable of Jesus best describes the process of conversion and the merciful love of the Father:
a) The Lost Sheep b) The Prodigal Son c) the Good Samaritan d) The Good Thief |
The exercise of authority should be God's alone.
True or False? |
c) Elizatbeth
In the Bible, who was the first to call Mary "blessed"?
a) Joseph, b) the Angel c) Elizabeth d) Jesus |
How many Psalms are there in the Book of Psalms
b) Mary Magdalene
Who was the first to encounter the risen Lord in the Gospels:
a) Peter b) Mary Magdalene c) Mary, his mother d) John, the beloved disciple |
Absolution takes away all the effects of sins.
True or False? |
b) the common good
The main role of authority in the state is to assure ____.
a) prosperity b) the common good c) peace at all cost d) proper employment |
Mary was the mother of Jesus' humanity but not his divinity
True or False? |
c) transubstantiation
What is the term used by the Church to talk about the change which occurs to the consecrated bread bread and wine:
a) tranfiguration b) transignification c) transubstantiation d) tranformation |
c) do not do unto others what you would not want done to you
What is the "Silver Rule"?
a) infinite revenge b) an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth c) do not do unto others what you would not want done to you d) do unto other what you would want done unto you |