Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Name the three persons of the Blessed Trinity
What title for God is used to say he is the maker of heaven and earth?
c) Caesar Augustus
Who was the Roman emperor at the time of the birth of Jesus?
a) Pontius Pilate b) Tiberius Caesar c) Caesar Augustus d) Juilius Caesar |
a) Jerusalem
What is the city where Jesus died on the cross?
a) Jerusalem b) Bethlehem c) Bethany d) Nazareth |
What are good moral habits called?
Jesus Christ
Who is the only one who has seen the Father and can reveal him?
Cain and Abel
Who are the first two children mentioned in the Bible
d) Herod the Great
Who was king of Judea at the time of the birth of Jesus?
a) David b) Josaih c) Solomon d) Herod the Great |
a) Caiaphas
Who was the High Priest who sought Jesus' death?
a) Caiaphas b) Herod c) Pilate d) Pharasee |
b) mortal sins
What sins are we obliged to confess in the sacrament of Confession?
a) venial sins b) mortal sins d) all sins c) sins of omission |
"...of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Complete this sentence used at baptism: "I baptize you in the name ..."
Scientific studies about the beginning of the universe are always exclude the possibility of God creating.
True or False |
c) Gabriel
Which angel announced the birth of Jesus?
a) Rafael b) Michael c) Gabriel d) Ariel |
c) Barabbas
Who was the criminal released by the Romans at the trial of Jesus?
a) Simon of Cyrene b) Judas c) Barabbas d) Nichodemus |
By which King in the Old Testament are many of the Psalms thought to have been written?
c) polytheism
What is the belief that there are many Gods?
a) monotheism b) protestantism c) polytheism d) polyphony |
God as the creator can be know by human reason alone.
True or False |
b) Incarnation
What mystery is about God's Son taking our human nature?
a) Assumption b) Incarnation c) Transubstantiation d) Regeneration |
b) Blessed is he who come in the name of The Lord!
What did the people shout when Jesus entered the Holy City on Palm Sunday?
a) Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us! b) Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! c) Crucify him! d) What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? |
Emotions or feelings are neither good nor bad in themselves.
True of False |
b) consubstantial
What word is best used to describe the unity between the Father and the Son?
a) personhood b) consubstantial c) close relationship d) similarity |
b) deism
Which philosophy sees God as, once he started the process of creation, uninvolved any further in the world?
a) gnosticism b) deism c) pantheism |
b) God saves
What does the name "Jesus" mean?
a) God is with us b) God saves c) God protects d) God is near |
Pashcal Mystery
What do we call the whole mystery of Christ's Death and Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven?
What is it called when a man has several wives?