Holden | Phoebe | D.B | Allie | Mr. Antolini |
Why did holden get kicked out of school
Because he flunked his classes
what did phoebe do when she received holdens goodbye letter
she packs a big suitcase and tries to go with him
who was D.B to holden
his oldest brother
who was allie to holden
his younger brother
What does Mr. Antolini call holden before heading off to bed
why did holden like sallie hayes
In chest she kept all her kings in the back
what does phoebe do when she finds out holden was kicked out of school
puts the pillow over her face then says Holden doesn't like anything or anyone
how long was he in the army
4 years
what did allie die of
What did holden get quizzed about
Why did he get beat up by the pimp
because the prostitute wanted 5 dollasrs
how many times did pheobe ride the carousel
2 times
what is D.B proffesion
a screenwritter
what happened the night of allies death
holden broke all the windows in the garage
What sport did he and holden play together
what does holden think about the world
it was full of a bunch of phonys
what does pheobe offer holden
her Christmas money
where is D.B living
in Hollywood
What was the date of allies death
July 18, 1946
What does Mr. Antolini do to holden while he was sleep
Pets his head
what does holden do when he is depressed
he talks out loud to allie
what was pheobe strongest subject
D.B said the army was full of
what did allie write on his glove
What did holden think of Mr. Antolini when he pets his head
That Mr. Antolini was coming on to him