Beach Time | Sports | Name Brands | Movies or TV Shows | Let's Eat |
What is Newport Beach?
This beach near Vanguard is known for what's called "The Wedge" and bodysurfing.
What is Pittsburg?
This city's major teams all share the same colors; black and gold.
What is Twitter?
Lary is the name of the bird used as the logo for this company.
Who is Olaf?
This quote is attributed to which character; "Some people are worth melting for."
What is the potato?
This was the first food planted in space.
What is a turtle?
This species lay its eggs on the beach and never returns.
Who is Babe Ruth?
This famous baseball player used a chilled cabbage leaf to keep him cool in the outfield.
What is the bagel?
Ben and Jerry's was originally supposed to make this type of food, not ice cream.
What is the "Help"?
This quote is from which movie; "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."
What is M&M's?
This candy is named after its makers Mars and Murrie.
What is Shell Beach?
This beach is completely covered in cockle shells up to 10 meters deep.
Who is Teddy Roosevelt?
This president almost banned football because of their lack of safety regulations.
What is the Nike Swoop?
The symbol that has made billions of dollars was bought from a design student for only $35.
What is Muddling Through?
Jennifer Aniston started in this TV while also filming the first season of Friends.
What is the pistachio?
This fruit is commonly mistaken for a nut.
What is North Beach in Portugal?
This beach holds the Guinness world record for the largest waves ever surfed.
What is the yoyo?
This modern-day toy was once used as a weapon in the 16th-century Philippines.
What is Volkswagen?
This car brand means "People's Car" in German.
What is Home Alone?
This movie was canceled by Warner Bros to be later produced by Fox and grossed $476 million dollars worldwide.
What is Mcdonald's?
This fast food chain cooked its fries in beef fat until 1990 when they switched to vegetable oil.
What is white sand?
This colored sand is a result of parrotfish poop.
Who is Tiger Woods?
This professional golfer made his first hole-in-one at age eight.
What is Candy Crush?
This is one of the most downloaded games and brings in about $633,000 a day.
What is Star Wars?
The actors in this movie made a lot of their own sound effects causing them to re-shoot many scenes to cover up this obvious attempt.
Who is Sam German?
The German Chocolate cake was not made in Germany but by this man.