Memorable Places | Growing Up | Going Places | Playtime | Randomness |
Where is the Clearwater Travel Plaza/Nelson Brother's Bakery?
JA and Carrie first met here.
What is Go Karting with Troy?
Carrie injured her pinky finger participating in this activity as a child.
What is the "Carrie-Van"?
This was the nickname of Carrie's family vehicle.
What is Carrie's Cafe?
Carrie's favorite play time activity as a child.
What is 17?
Carrie had this many teeth pulled before puberty.
Where is Macchu Piccu?
Carrie ascended to this South American landmark in 2019.
What is Care Bear?
Carrie's Nickname as a child.
Who is Andre Agassi?
Carrie watched this tennis pro play live in Milwaukee.
What is Cinnamon Coffee Cake?
Carrie's go to food to make in her Easy Bake Oven.
What is Pea Dumpling?
Carrie's favorite soup growing up.
Where is Fenway Park (Boston, MA).?
Carrie traveled with her sons to this eastern ballpark in 2004.
What is Smokey?
The name of Carrie's pony as a child.
What is a 1984 Chevy Cavalier (4 door).
Carrie's very first car.
What is "Hit me in the butt" Game?
Carrie re-named Tetherball with this nickname.
Who is Curious George?
Carrie's most memorable stuffed animal as a child.
Where is Alexandria, MN?
Carrie ran a half marathon in this northern city in 2021.
What is Puff? (a dog)
The name of Carrie's first ever pet?
Where is Colorado?
Who is Tracy, who told Carrie Santa wasn't real to avoid having to visit Santa's Workshop tourist destination?
Carrie learned Santa Claus wasn't real on a family vacation to which state? Bonus: Who spoiled the magic?
Who is Paula Spoden?
This was Carrie's best friend growing up.
What is a minnow?
This is a special ingredient consumed while drinking shots at the Corral Bar.
Where is Seaside Heights, NJ?
Carrie visited the boardwalk in this eastern city in 2021.
What is Stones and Logs?
Carrie's name for the meal that included Macaroni and Cheese and beans.
What is Ljubljana?
Carrie visited this Slovenian city.
What is Kings in the Corner (or King's Corner)?
This was Carrie's favorite card game growing up.
What is "Poke (or pick) the Potato"?
On a family camping trip for her parents' anniversary, Carrie was heard to say this (which was a sort of CB Radio slang): "Hey good buddy..."