Your Income / Your Career | Finding / Applying for Jobs | The Start | Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership | Wild Card |
What are types of Investments
- Real Estate
- Stocks - Bonds |
What is Networking
The best source of job leads is through the process of building professional relationships that assist both parties in reaching their goal
What is a Form W-4
An IRS form indicating how much should be withheld from an employees earnings
What are the 4 components of the American Economy
- Entrepreneurship
- Land - Labor - Capitol |
What are General, Limited, and Silent
The 3 types of Partnerships
What are Grants
Payments from corporations, state governments, or the US government that do not have to be paid back
What is an Application Form
Consists of one or two pages of questions about you and your job qualifications
What are Exemptions
Another name for tax allowances that reduce the amount of federal tax withheld from your paychecks
What is a Franchise
A Legal contract that allows you to operate a business in the name of a recognized company
What is In-Service Training
Another name for Professional Development Seminars
What are examples of Government Payments
- Financial Aid (for students)
- Unemployment Benefits - Social Security |
What are Chronological and Functional
Two types of resume types
What is a Company Policy Handbook
Its purpose is to outline a company's rules, procedures, and policies
What is a Sole Proprietorship
The easiest form of business ownership to set up
What is the hours worked beyond 40 in a week
Overtime is
What are the 5 sources of income
- Wages and Salaries
- Business Earnings - Investment Earnings - Government Payments - Grants and Royalties |
What are Function, Form, (e)Ffectiveness
The 3 F's of resume writing
What is Take Home Pay
Net Pay is the amount received after all deductions have been subtracted from a paycheck. What is another name for this pay
What is 20%
The percentage of new businesses that last more than 4 years
What are Fringe Benefits
The sick days, vacation days, and health insurance provided by your employer are examples of
What is "You have to put money in before you can take it out"
The most important lesson you can learn about handling personal finance
What is an Objective
A one sentence explanation of the type of job you are seeking
What is a Flexible Spending Account
A deduction found on your pay stub that sets aside before-tax portions of you pay for things like child care and medical expenses
What are Articles of Incorporation
The first step in forming a corporation is to file
What is a Credit Score
A number that indicates your Credit Risk