Preoperative Care Intraoperative Care Postoperative Care Miscellaneous Terms Anesthesia
What is skin integrity
The surgical plan of care for a pediatric surgical patient is adjusted based on the variances assessed in all of the following areas except: respiratory and cardiovascular system, temperature regulation, fluid management, or skin integrity.
What is the patient's weight in kilograms
All of the following elements are determined based on the size of the patient's anatomy except: Laryngoscope blade size, endotracheal tube size, the patient's weight in kilograms, or depth of tube insertion
What is the patient's intraoperative OR record (Epic)
All nursing interventions are communicated and documented in
What is PNDS (perioperative nursing data set)
A standardized nursing vocabulary that offers perioperative nurses a clear, precise and
universal language for similar clinical problems and
treatments. It provides for a consistent approach to describe clinical outcomes.
What is 0.5 mg/kg
The standard dose for midazolam for pediatric patients
What is high
Pediatric patients have a high risk for hypothermia because of their_____ body surface area to mass ratio.
What is the names of the associated parent(s) or guardian(s).
Differences in universal protocol that are specific to pediatrics exist in the application of guidelines for all for the following except: The identification and verification of the correct patient, the correct procedure, the correct site/side, or the nam
What is the ASA physical status
The___is used to estimate the severity of the patient's medical condition before receiving anesthesia clinical history
What are eccrine sweat glands
Temperature regulating sympathetic glands that are concentrated on the hands, feet, and forehead. They produce clear and odorless sweat composed primarily of water.
What is kilograms
What the actual weight should be calculated in
What is 6 hours prior
Per NPO instructions, formula, milk or milk products must be stopped how many hours before the administration of anesthesia?
What is use of local anesthetic when starting an IV.
When administering anesthesia, the following are unique to the pediatric patient population except: size of the medical equipment and supplies, premedications, use of local anesthetic when starting an IV, or sequence induction
What is 2:1
In the immediate postanesthesia period (Phase I), the nurse to patient ratio is
What is a thorough hand-off
Patient's name, surgical procedure, location of PIV's, location of lines and drains, blood loss, and medications administered.
What is flavored masks, stocked pediatric cart, pediatric circuit with small mask, suction tubing with small yankauer, and pediatric ambubag
What should be available in the OR
What is developmental age
Children's comprehension and reactions to their environment are assessed to determine their:
What is 18 months
When selecting a vein for IV insertion it is preferred not to use a scalp vein after what age?
What is Phase II
This postanesthesia phase begins when the patient's level of consciousness returns to baseline.
What is NPO
An abbreviation meaning nothing by mouth
What is the foot
Anesthesia prefers the pediatric pulse oximeter on
What is 2 years of age
Renal function in the pediatric patient does not mature until__years of age
What is the first month of life
Eccrine sweat glands do not function until after
What is larngospasm
A postanesthesia respiratory complication that is common in patients less than 1 year of age is
What is alveolar ventilation
(tidal volume - anatomical dead space) x respiratory rate
What is 30
Midazolam, if ordered, needs to start___ minutes before procedure time

Care of the Pediatric Surgical Patient

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