Anatomy of the system | Pathophysiology of System | Physiology of System | Medical Terminology | Meds/Treatments |
What are the layers of the heart
endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium
What is cardiology
the study of the heart
What is the Endocardium
This inner layer of the heart serves to reduce friction as the blood passes through the heart chamber.
What is atrial
Pertaining to the atrium
What is stethoscope
Instrument for listening to body sounds such as chest, heart, or intestine.
What are the chambers of the heart
atria, interatrial septum, interventricular septum, ventricles
What cardiac arrest
Heart activity completely stops
What is the Aortic Valve
a semilunar valve located between the left ventricle and the aorta. Blood leaves this valve and cannot return to the left ventricle.
What is Cardiac
Pertaining to the heart
What is stress testing
patient placed on a treadmill or a bicycle
What are the heart valves
Tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, aortic valve
What is endocardidtis
Inner, heart, inflammation
What is the Atria
the upper chamber of the heart, the receiving chambers of the heart. Blood returning to the heart via veins first collects in these chambers
What is vascular
Pertaining to blood vessel
What is a heart transplant
replacement of a diseased or malfunctioning heart with a donors heart
what are the types of blood vessels
arteries, capillaries, and arteries
What is murmur
Normal heart sounds from blood flowing through the heart
What is the pulmonary circulation system
between the heart and lungs, transports deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get oxygen, and then back to the heart
What is venous
Pertaining to a vein
What is valve replacement
removal of a diseased heart valve and replacement with an artificial valve
What is the conduction system of the heart
Sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, bundle of his, bundle branches, purkinje fibers.
What is infarct
Area of tissue in an organ that undergoes necrosis then loss of blood supply
What is the autonomic nervous system
Regulating the heart rate this special tissue within our heart is responsible for conducting an electrical impulse stimulating the different chambers to contract in the correct order.
What is flutter
An arrhythia in which the atria beats to rapidly , but in a regular pattern.
What is extracorporeal circulation
during open heart surgery, the routing of the blood to the heart-lung machine so it can be oxygenated and pumped to the the rest of the body.