Cardiac Rehab | Stages | Education | Outside the Box |
What is:
Myocardial Infarction Percutaneous Coronary Intervention CABG Chronic Heart Failure Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators Unstable angina
Cardiac rehabilitation programs are designed for patients with these diseases.
What is Stage 2
This stage of Cardiac Rehabilitation includes patient assessment.
What is Behavioural Change.
This category of education in Cardiac rehabilitation includes anxiety and depression.
What are:
Nurse Physiotherapist Dietician Pharmacist Exercise Specialist Occupational Therapist Psychologist
Names these core players in Cardiac Rehabilitation.
What are:
Mortality Hospital admissions QoL Exercise Tolerance
Cardiac Rehabilitation is effective at modifying these complications.
What is Stage 4
This stage of Cardiac Rehabilitation includes developing a comprehensive cardiac rehab programme.
What are smoking and diet
These are two primary risk factors of cardiac disease.
What is short term benefits
Compared with home-based exercise programs usual medical care in with patients with chronic heart failure were found to have....
What are:
Health behaviour change and education Risk Factor Management Smoking cessation
Physical activity and exercise are components of Cardiac rehab programs, name 3 more.
What is Stage 3
This stage of Cardiac Rehabilitation includes developing a patient care plan.
What is
Physical activity and exercise ADLs
These lifestyle changes are encouraged within Cardiac rehab.
What is patient preference
Home based exercise versus clinically based rehabilitation does not differ in benefits to the patient, who decides where they attend.
What is:
Unstable Angina Critical aorta stenosis .......
These factors may prevent participation in Cardiac rehab programs.
What is Stage 6
This stage of Cardiac Rehabilitation includes transition to long-term management.
What is psychosocial health
Massage and stress management are examples of this type of health category.
What is true
Exercise may offer improvements in health related QoL True or false