What should my numbers be? | Coronary artery disease | Nutrition 411 | Cardiac A and P | Random thoughts |
What is the LDL should be treated with a high intensity statin to lower my LDL by 50%
If I have had a heart attack and I am less than 75 years of age how low does my LDL need to be?
What are symptoms of heart attack or angina?
Chest discomfort, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, arm discomfort, - call 911
These two sources or kinds of foods are to blame for most of the sodium intake of Americans.
Processed food and restaurant food
These are the tiny vessels that supply the heart with blood and nutrients they need and sometimes get blocked and need a stent.
Coronary Arteries
This heart rhythm feels like skipping, fluttering or quivering. The heart beats irregularly. This needs to be treated with blood thinners.
Atrial Fibrillation
What is no. According to the newest guidelines (JNC 8) the blood pressure needs to be 150/90 for those over 60.
If my blood pressure is 142/90 and I am 61 years old with no diabetes and no kidney disease do I need my blood pressure treated with medication?
What is Mediterranean ?
Patients with CAD should follow this type diet
This form of unhealthy fat is used to extend the shelf life of many foods.
Trans-fatty acids.
What is a normal resting heart rate?
60 - 100 beats per minute
This requires a 911 call. FAST is the what to watch for. Smile drooping, one Arm weak, Speaking is garbled, Time is of the utmost importance.
70- 100 normal
100-125 pre-diabetes > 126 diabetes
What are desirable levels fasting blood glucose?
What is a stent?
The metal tube with or without medications inserted into a coronary artery
A man should consume no more than two servings per day and a woman no more than one per day of this.
What is the name of the sac the heart is encased?
The pericardium
It is important that your doctor knows if you take any medications for erectile dysfunction ( little blue pill) - What medication can cause a bad reaction if you take it after taking the little blue pill?
When combined with the little blue pill - Nitroglycerin- can cause a severe drop in blood pressure.
120/80 is still recommended for BP. The treatment guidelines have moved up to 140/90 for those under 60 or for those with diabetes or kidney disease.se under 60?
What are the blood pressure recommendations for those under 60?
What is a statin medication such as Lipitor or Crestor
What medication helps increase the thickness of the fibrous cap on the coronary arteries?
What is 5210?
5 servings of fruit and veggies, 2 hours of recreational screen time, 1 hour of physical activity and 0 sugary drinks. It is a recommendation on how to stay healthy.
What is the large vessel that carries the blood from the heart to the entire body?
The Aorta
The recommendation for exercise to keep your heart healthy is what?
Exercise most days of the week for 30 - 45 minutes.
What is Crestor 40 or Lipitor 80.
What is an example of a high intensity statin?
What are risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease?
Atherosclerosis, CAD, smoking, HTN,obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress, impaired glucose tolerance, increased cholesterol levels, increased age, positive family history
This condition presents with altered lipid levels, insulin resistance, and hypertension with abdominal obesity.
Metabolic Syndrome
What is the name of the valve on the left side of the heart between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
Mitral valve
What should your plate look like when you eat?
1/2 is veggies 1/4 protein 1/4 starch