Labs and diagnostic tests | Coronary artery disease | Heart failure | Name that ITIS or it's complication | PVD and meds |
What is Ck-MB, troponin and myoglobin?
These labs are elevated after MI
What are signs of activity intolerance ?
Fatigue, increase in systolic BP < 10-20 baseline or HR increase more than 10 beats/minute
What are medications used commonly for heart failure?
Digoxin, diuretics, ace inhibitors
What is pericarditis ?
Chest pain with this disorder is relieved by sitting up and leaning forward.
What are ACE inhibitors and ARBS?
This medication inhibits aldosterone and vasoconstriction.
What is MI?
The WBC count increases after infectious and inflammatory diseases of the heart and after this disorder
What is low fat, low sodium, low cholesterol, high fiber (DASH diet)?
Patients with CAD should follow this type diet
What are signs of decreased cardiac output?
Decreased BP, cool clammy skin, pallor, crackles, sweating, tachypnea, decreased pulses, tachycardia
What is endocarditis?
Cardiac murmurs are heard with this disorder.
What is intermittent claudication?
A progressive walking program can promote collateral circulation in patients with this symptom.
What are desirable levels for lipid panels?
Cholesterol < 200
LDL < 100 HDL > 60 |
What is an MI?
A patient with chest pain that is unrelieved by rest
And nitroglycerin is likely experiencing |
What is left sided heart failure?
Dyspnea, tachypnea, crackles, cough and PND are signs of this disorder
What is endocarditis?
Janes ways lesions and osler's nodes are associated with this.
What is Raynaud's disease?
In this disorder attacks are intermittent and occur with exposure to cold or stress
What is potassium, magnesium and calcium?
These electrolyte imbalances may cause dysrhythmias
What is prinzmetal's or vasospastic angina?
This chest pain is caused by coronary artery spasm
What is right sided heart failure?
JVD, peripheral edema, abdominal distention, anorexia, nausea, weight gain and hepatomegaly are signs of this disorder
What is cardiac tamponade?
Increased CVP, JVD with clear lungs, muffled heart tones, and signs of decreased cardiac output are signs of this disorder?
What is orthostatic hypotension?
Patients on anti hypertensives should change positions slowly to prevent this.
What is BNP?
This lab is elevated in heart failure
What are risk factors for Mi?
Atherosclerosis, CAD, smoking, HTN,obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress, impaired glucose tolerance, increased cholesterol levels, increased age, positive family history
What is high fowlers?
A patient with pulmonary edema should be placed in this position.
What is endocarditis?
IV drug abusers, people who have had valve replacements or have cardiac structural defects are at risk for this?
What is venous insufficiency?
Brown discoloration and edema of the lower extremities can be seen with this disorder