O to ue stem changers | E to ur stem changers | E to i stem changers | Vocabulario de fútbol y baloncesto | Vocabulario de béisbol y tenis |
What is puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, pueden
Conjugate the verb poder
What is cerrar
What verb means to close shut
What is pedir
What verb means to ask for?
What is a football field
What is el campo de fútbol
What is dobles
What is it called in tennis when there are 2 people on the court
What is cost
Define costar
What is pienso
I think
What is sirvo, sirves, sirve, servimos, sirven
Conjugate servir
What is el cesto
What is a basketball basket in Spanish
What is la red
The net
What is duemes
You sleep
What is muestro, muestras, muestra, mostramos, muestran
Conjugate the verb mostrar
What is decir
Como se dice to tell
What is no with a balon
Do basketball players play with la pelota
What is yo golpeo la pelota
Translate I hit the ball
What is almorzar
What verb means to have lunch?
What is lo siento
How do you say I’m sorry?
What is sonrío
I smile
What is yo driblo el balón
I dribble the ball
What is por encima de la red
What is over the net in Spanish
What is to dream
Sonar means to…
What is to loose, miss, waste
What dose perder mean in English?
What is ellos siguen
They follow
What is to score a goal
Meter un gol means
What is el platillo
What is home plate in Spanish