El preterito de verbos regulares | Saber and Conocer | IOP'S | Ir and Ser | Stem Changers/Irregular preterites |
to work,
trabajé, trabajaste, trabajó,trabajamos,trabajasteis,trabajaron
What is the meaning of Trabajar. Conjugate it.
To know information/ to know facts
What are the uses of Saber
The person/thing receiving the action of the verb.
Who do IOP'S refer to?
Irregular verbs in the preterite.
What types of verbs are 'ser' and 'ir'?
3rd person singular/ plural
Where do the stem changes occur?
They have a spelling change in the 'yo' form.
What happens to -car, -gar- zar verbs in the preterite
The present.
What tense did we learn these verbs in?
List the IOP'S
fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron
Conjugate them
To serve/ to sleep
What does 'Servir' and 'Dormir' mean?
To eat. Comí, comiste, comió, comimos, comisteis, comieron
What does 'Comer' mean? Conjugate it.
Spelling changers in the 'yo' form
If you had to classify these verbs, how would you?
Yo___________pido a la profesora los libros de espanol. (to her)
What is 'a'
What preposition is associated with 'ir'?
Serví, serviste, sirvió, servimos, servisteis, sirvieron
Conjugate servir
To live.Viví, viviste, vivió,vivimos, vivisteis, vivieron
What does 'Vivir' mean? conjugate it.
sé, sabe, sabemos, sabeis, saben
Conjugate 'Saber' in the present tense
Mi abuela siempre ______da muchos regalos a mi. (to me)
No accent marks
Do 'ser' and 'ir' have accent marks, if so where?
Dormí, dormiste, durmió, durmimos, dormisteis, durmieron
Conjugate Dormir
dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron
Conjugate 'Decir'