Adjetivos descriptivos | Adjetivos posesivos | Verbos -er y -ir en el presente | Tener y Venir | Expressions with Tener |
4 forms
How many forms do adjectives that end in -o have?
Mi padre
My father
to run
What does correr mean?
They are 'go' verbs, e:ie stem changers
List 2 chracteristics
tener prisa
to be in a rush
2 forms
How many forms do adjectives the end in -e have?
Nuestra clase
Our class
to attend
What does asistir mean?
to have
What does Tener mean?
tener frio
to be cold
What does feo mean?
Sus amigos
Their friends
vivo vives vive vivimos vivis viven
Conjugate Vivir orally
to come
What does Venir mean?
tener calor
to be hot
What does Guapo mean?
You add an -s
How do you make a singular possessive adjective a plural one?
comprendo comprendes comprende comprendemos comprendeis comprenden
Conjugate Comprender orally
vengo vienes viene venimos venis vienen
Conjugate Venir on the board
tener suerte
to be lucky
What does delgado mean?
mi tu su nuestro/a vuestro/a su
List all 6 singular Possessive adjectives
leo lees lee leemos leeis leen
Conjugate leer on the white board
Tengo tienes tiene tenemos teneis tienen
Conjugate Tener
tener hambre
to be hungry