Verbos reflexivos en el presente | Palabras indefinidas y Negativas | Ser and Ir en el preterito | Verbos como 'Gustar' | Pero O Sino |
Reflexive verbs end in -se
How can you tell an infinitive reflexive verbs from a regular verb?
What is the opposite of Alguien?
Irregular verbs
What types of verbs are these?
They all use indirect object pronouns and the 3rd person singular or plural form
What do all verbs like Gustar share? List 2 things.
They are conjunctions
Pero and Sino are what kind of words? classify them
me te se nos os se
List all reflexive pronouns
What is the opposite of
Their conjugations
What do these verbs share in common?
te importan
A ti,________________(importar) tus notas en la escuela.
Pero- but
Sino- but rather
On the surface what is the definition for each word?
me cepillo te cepillas se cepilla nos cepillamos os cepilláis se cepillan
Conjugate cepillarse on the whiteboard
What is the opposite of tampoco?
'a' signals the use of Ir
What preposition signals the use of one of these verbs?
All of the verbs like Gustar are -ar except which one?
It must be negative
In order for Sino to be the correct answer what must happen in the first part of the sentence?
No, you can conjugate reflexive verbs in any other tense depending on the situation which they occur in
Can you conjugate reflexive verbs only in the present tense? Explain
Nunca/ Jamás
What is the opposite of siempre?
Usted _____ muy interesante.
Aburrir encantar fascinar importar etc.
List 4 verbs like 'Gustar'
It must contradict the first part of the sentence.
In order for Sino to be the correct answer what must happen in the second part of the sentence?
Me despierto te despiertas se despierta nos despertamos os despertáis se despiertan
Conjugate the verb despertarse orally
Yes,the second negative word is negative but in translation it become indefinite
In Spanish can there be double negatives? Explain
fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron
List their conjugations
Faltar- to lack or need
quedar- to fit or be left over importar- to matter encantar- to like very much or love inanimate objects
Translate the following verbs like Gustar....Faltar.....quedar....importar...encantar
Lisa y Erika no se acuestan tarde/ muy tarde