Saber y Conocer | Pronombres indirectos | El preterito | Adjetivos demonstrativos | Random |
the know facts or to know how to do something
What are the uses of Saber
The person receiving the action of the verb
Who do IOP's refer to?
é aste ó amos asteis aron
What are the -ar conjugations of regular verbs in the preterite
There are 12
How many demonstrative adjectives are there in Spanish?
Yo fui
How do you say I went in Spanish
to be familiar with a person, place, thing or idea
What is the use of Conocer
Ella ________ da un abrazo a sus parientes
í iste ió imos isteis ieron
What are the -er and -ir conjugations in the preterite
By putting an accent over all of the first 'e's
How do you make demonstrative adjectives into pronouns?
How do you say tie in Spanish
Irregular 'yo' form verbs or Spelling changers in the 'yo' form
What types of verbs are Saber and Conocer
Yo _________ voy a comprar un vestido. (para ti)
qué gué cé
What are the 'yo' form spelling Changes for -car -gar and -zar verbs
aquel aquella aquellos aquellas
List the four pronouns that modify objects in the that over there/those over there category
How do you say blouse in Spanish
sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis saben
Conjugate Saber
me te le nos os les
List the 6 IOPS
They all have a spelling change from an 'i' to a 'y' in the 3rd person forms
What is unique about leer creer and oir in the preterite when they are conjugated
ese esa esos esas
List the four pronouns that modify objects in the that/thosecategory
How do you say shirt in Spanish
Conozco conoces conoce conocemos conocéis conocen
Conjugate Conocer
Subject + IOP + conjugated verb + DON
What is the formula for using IOP's
On the last letter of the 'yo' and the 'él, ella, usted' forms
Where do accents go in the preterite tense for all -ar -er and -ir verbs
este esta estos estas
List the four pronouns that modify objects in the this/these
ir de compras
how do you say to go shopping in Spanish