E to IE | O to UE | E to I | Vocabulario de fĂștbol y baloncesto | Vocabulario de bĂ©isbol y tenis |
What is Cerrar
To close
What is Dormir
To sleep
What is Pedir
To ask for
What is Tiempo
What is Bate
A bat
What is Comenzar
To start
What is Morir
To die
What Decir
To tell
What is Tirar
To throw
What is Individuales
What is Preferir
To prefer
What is Costar
To cost
What is Sonreir
To smile
What is Driblar
To dribble
What is Jonron
Home run
What is Tener
To have
What is Encontrar
To meet/find
What is Servir
To serve
What is Bloquear
To block
What is Batear
The Batter
What is Encender
What is Recordar
To record/remember
What is Repetir
To repeat
What is La Cancha
The court
What is Devolver
To give back/return