Mandatos familiares | Por y Para | Reflexivos reciprocos | Adjetivos Posesivos |
Those that you would refer to in the 'tu' form
Mandatos Familiares are used to address who?
Para-------purpose + infinitive
Yo uso mi libro__________ leer.
reflexive verbs are actions done to one's self versus to each other.
What is the difference between reflexive verbs and reciprocal reflexives?
La videocasetera suya
Su videocasetera
Make llevar an affirmative command
Necesito terminar mi ensayo_______viernes.
nos os se because they are the only plural ones.
What are the only reflexive pronouns use with reciprocal reflexives and why?
Stressed possessive adjectives emphasize the subject.
What is the difference between unstressed and stressed possessive adjectives?
No imprimas!
Make 'Imprimir' a negative command
Por----means by which something is done
Yo navego _____ el internet.
nos abrazamos
Mi mama y no ______________(abrazarse). Preterite
Stressed possessive adjectives
What are considered the longer form of possessive adjectives
Make Hacer an affirmative command
Motion,duration, means by which, reason or motive, unit of measure,object of a search, exchange or substitution and expressions
List 5 uses of Por
se ayudaban
Los maestros siempre____________(ayudarse). Imperfect.
nuestro/a nuestros/as
vuestro/a vuestros/as
What are the only 2 sets of possessive adjectives that are shared between unstressed and stressed?
Out of all the irregular verbs given on the review sheet, which one is an irregular command for both affirmative and negative?
Destination, in the employ of, purpose + noun, purpose + infinitive,recipient of something,comparison or opinion and deadline.
List 5 uses of Para
se llaman
Tina y Marta_____________(llamarse) dos veces a la semana. Present.
mio mia mios mias tuyo tuya tuyos tuyas suyo suya suyos suyas nuestro nuestra nuestros nuestras vuestro vuestra vuestros vuestras suyo suya suyos suyas
List all 24 stressed possessive adjectives