origin tradition beliefs practices
What is Vietnam in 1926
Where was the Cao Dai's religion established and what year were they official?
What is Lunar New Year
The tradition that the Vietnamese do when they use incense and food as offerings to others.
What is Reincarnation
This is when you pass away and become another human and/or animal when you return to the after life
What is Red for Communism, blue for Taoism, and yellow for Buddhism
The three colors that represent your faith
What is Ngo Van Chieu
Who was the founder of the Cao Dai religion?
What is Phat Dan (Buddas birthday)
This is the eighth day of the fourth lunar month where the infant statue is being washed in fragrant water.
What is Karma
When you do something whether it's good or bad you will get a reaction lter one
What is King and citizen; father and child; husband and wife
3 duties of Cao Dai
What is one, they are monotheistic
How many Gods do they believe in?
What is incense, tea, and food
The typical offerings to others while in the giving season
What is all religions are manifestations of a "one same truth"
one thig they believe all religions have in common
What is humanity, obligation, civility, knowledge, and reliability
5 virtues of Cao Dai
What is high abode, or roofless tower, which was a symbolic name of the Supreme Being.
What does "Cao Dai" mean?
What is 4 times: 6a.m, noon, 6p.m, and midnight
How many times a day do they have to pray to the Supreme Being?
What is they worship him through the divine eye
how does they worship God?
What is thánh ngôn hiệp tuyển
The main religious text
What is Christisnity, Buddhism, Taoism, animism, and Confucianism
Which of the following religions are the Cao Dai made up of?
What is Vu Lan
This is the fifteenth day of seventh lunar month where they give to the spirits of dead family members and hungry souls
What is hierarchy like the Roman Catholic
thtis is where people are classified as above others
What is meditation
Many people do this for a relaxation session while reconnecting to the spirit world

Cao Dai

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