What is English Language and Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the father of
What is April.
The month the pilgrims are traveling to Canterbury
What is Characterization
Method used to develop characters in a story.
What is an exemplum
"The Pardoner's Tale" is this type of story
What is a Frame Story
"The Wife of Bath's Tale" is an example of what form
What is to Prove that English is a respectable literary language.
Chaucer set out to prove by writing The Canterbury Tales to
What is 29
The number of pilgrims on the journey
What is Irony
The contrast between expectation and reality
What is "The love of money is the root of all evil"
The moral of the story is
What is raped a maiden
This is what the knight did to get into trouble
What is Middle English
The language the Canterbury Tales was written
What is St. Thomas a Becket.
The shrine they will see once they get to Canterbury
What is Exemplum
A short anecdote or story that illustrates a particular moral point.
What is gold florins
The rioters first find this under the tree when seeking Death who killed their friend.
What is The Story of Midas
The Wife of Bath tells this story to remind the reader that women can't keep secrets
What is the total number of tales written for the collection.
What is most of the classes of Medieval English society.
The pilgrims on the journey represent the social classes
What is Frame Story
A story within a story
What is DEATH
What do all three rioters find under the tree at the end of the story
What is old, ugly, faithful or young, pretty, not so faithful
The two choices that the woman gives the knight
What is buried at Westminster Abbey
The honor Chaucer received when he died
What is tell the best tale
The competition of the journey is to
What is Point of View
Narrative perspective from which events in a story are narrated
What is situational irony.
The fact that all three rioters die under the tree is an example of which type of irony.
What is power over their husband.
What women most desire