Skeleton | Types of therapy | Joints | Breed characteristics | Equipment |
The skull
What is the name given to the bone structure that hold the brain?
What is the name given to a therapy that involves water?
What is the name of the fluid inside a joint?
What is the name of pugs skull shape?
A treadmill
What is the name of the moving flat surface used in therapy to help dogs walk/ run?
How many sections of the spinal vertebrae are there?
A qualified veterinary surgeon.
Who can perform acupuncture on an animal?
What is the name given to the joint in the spinal vertebrae?
What is the name of the standard Labrador skull shape?
What is the name given to the device that allows an animal to float in water?
In the dogs front limbs
Where is the Radius and Ulna?
Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy
What is the most common therapy used to treat arthritis?
What type of joint is the skull?
What is the name of a long nosed dog's skull shape?
peanut butter
What is the most common treat used to encourage dogs in hydrotherapy?
What is the name of the small bones in the paws of the dog?
What is the name of the therapy involving heat?
ball and socket
What type of joint is the hip bone?
Hip Dysplasia
What are larger dog breeds most prone to?
What is the main piece of equipment used in reiki?
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, caudal
Name the 4 vertebrae sections of the spine.
The veterinary surgeons act.
What is the name of the act that determines who can carry out certain therapies?
muscle to bone
What does a tendon connect?
Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome
What does BOAS stand for, commonly seen in pugs?
Can horses use water treadmills in hydrotherapy?