Get in my belly Ovaries Before Brovaries Da Lungs My lovely lady lumps High Risk Populations
At what age do we start colon cancer screening for an average risk patient?
At what age do we start cervical cancer screening?
Low dose CT
What test is used to screen for lung cancer?
40, 45, 50 depending on guidelines
At what age is it appropriate to start screening for breast cancer in an AVERAGE risk woman?
8 years after diagnosis
When do we start colon cancer screening for a patient with Crohn's disease?
Age 40 or 10 years younger than youngest relative
For a patient with 1 family member diagnosed with colon cancer <60 years old or 2 family members diagnosed with colon cancer at any age, when do we start colon cancer screening?
Every 5 years
For patient's aged 30-65, at what interval do we screen for cervical cancer?
50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years
What are the criteria to be eligible for lung cancer screening?
Gail model and Tyrer-Cuzick
What are two risk calculators used to calculate a patient's risk for developing breast cancer?
Age 20 or 10 years younger than youngest relative with colon cancer
When do we start colon cancer screening for a patient with Lynch Syndrome?
FIT q1 year and FIT-DNA (Cologaurd) q1-3 years
What are two at-home screening modalities (and screening intervals) used for patients who decline colonoscopy?
Age >65 if 10 years of normal results
At what age and under what circumstances is it appropriate to stop screening for cervical cancer?
Every year
At what interval should you screen for lung cancer?
If a 35 year old woman's 5 year risk of breast cancer is greater than ____%, it is appropriate to start tamoxifen therapy.
Age 10
When do we start screening for colon cancer in a patient with familial adenomatous polyposis?
3 years
A screening colonoscopy for a 56 year old gentleman found one 12mm adenomatous polyp. When should he be screened again?
20 years after date of diagnosis
For a woman who had a hysterectomy due to cancer (endometrial, cervical, etc), when can you stop screening for cervical cancer?
Once a person has not smoked for 15 years
Besides age, what is one other indication to stop lung cancer screening?
If a woman's lifetime risk of breast cancer is greater than ____%, it is appropriate to start screening with yearly breast MRI.
8-10 years after therapy or 40 years old (whichever comes first)
In a woman who was treated for Hodgkin Lymphoma with chest irradiation as a child, when do you start breast cancer screening?
>50 years with symptomatic GERD and at least 1 additional risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma (male, nocturnal reflux symptoms, hiatal hernia, elevated BMI, central obesity, tobacco use)
What is an indication to screen for Barrett's esophagus?
A 26 year old immunocompetent female's pap smear results with LSIL (no HPV testing done). What is the next step?
1 year
What is the recommended follow up for a patient with a 5mm nodule found on low dose CT?
Age 25 or 10 years before youngest cancer diagnosis in the family
For a woman with BRCA 1 or 2, at what age do we start screening for breast cancer?
EUS and MRCP annually
In a patient with BRCA 1 and one relative with pancreatic cancer, how do you screen them for pancreatic cancer?

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