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What is Kylie, Kendall, Khloe, Kim, Kourtney
The 5 Kardashian/Jenner sister's names
What is Montreal Canadians
Canadian Hockey Team formed in 1909 known as the Habs
but here's my number, so call me, maybe
Finish this lyric "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy"
What is the CN Tower
It is 1,815 feet or 553.33 meters tall
What is 38 million people
The current population to the nearest million in Canada
What is Yeezy's by Kanye West
In 2015 this famous rapper released a shoe line with Adidas
What is the US Women's Soccer team
Won the world cup in 1991, 1999, 2015, 2019
What is "Baby" by Justin Bieber
The most disliked pop music video on YouTube and the artist
What is the Golden Gate Bridge
The color of this famous structure is International Orange
What is Snow White
The first animated Disney film made in 1937
What is Rachel McAdams
Actress who studied at York University and is the leading lady in classic Rom Coms
What is the lead, the second, the vice (the mate), and the skip
The four positions in curling
What is "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne
First number one hit song by a Canadian female artist on the Billboard top 100
What is Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln
The four presidents in Mount Rushmore
What is the Met Gala
An annual charity event for fashion in New York
What is Keanu Reeves
Red pill or blue pill lead actor
What is Jay Z and 1 million dollars
Rapper that owned a stake in the Brooklyn Nets and how much the investment cost
up up up where the clouds gonna clear
Finish this lyric "up up up can only going up from here"
What is Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut
The names of the 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada
What is Tim Hortons
Fast food chain founded in 1964
What is The Rock, John Cena, David Bautista, and Hulk Hogan
Four former male WWE wrestlers who are now famous movie stars
What is the Pittsburgh Steelers
Football team with a logo on one side of their helmet
What is Mike Kroger's job at Starbucks saying "here's your nickel back"
Origin of Nickelback's band name
What is Nik Wallenda
This man tight roped across Niagara Falls in 2012
What is 4,233 kilometers and 2,630 miles
How far apart is the San Francisco office to the Toronto office in miles or kilometers