Game of Cones | Musical Chairs | Don't Get Fired | Tradition Suspicions | Who's Who at Whoover |
What is Gaga?
Translated to "touch touch" in Hebrew, many know this game as "Israeli Dodgeball."
Who is Joe?
This hard-working individual should probably contact his companies HR department.
Who is Mark?
This person should receive a text or phone call as early as possible if you are unable to work a day of camp.
What is Guacamole?
This "beach" is a secret trail that had a name with no meaning.
Who is Nancy Rosen?
This person lives at Camp Hoover, and carried the role of property manager and co-director.
What is the shadow from the pole?
This is the easiest way to make "sides" when playing teatherball.
What is reincarnation
Baby Shark is actually a song about this religious or philosophical concept
What are alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs.
These "big 3" offenses are grounds for immediate termination of employment.
What is Jed's Cabin?
This "ghost story" is a camp favorite, but made up on the spot by anyone telling it.
Who is Halle Schwartz?
This person directs ALL of the JCC Summer Camps.
What is Machanayim
Another "Israeli Dodgeball," this version involves surrounding the opposing teams' boundaries after getting "out."
What is Bazooka Bubblegum?
This brand of sugary chewy candy is chosen over Denny's, a Pickle, a Lime and some Challah.
What is the golf cart?
Only Mark and Nancy can use this
Who are the Captains?
These individual campers are dunked in the lake at the end of Maccabi.
Who is Lihi?
This person hails from Israel, and leads us in Israel and Wilderness Survival activities.
What is Knockout?
This basketball game involves quick baskets before the person behind you makes one!
Who is the Wizard?
This character travels the world studying Jewish concepts, eventually coming to Camp Hoover.
What is the dress code?
Flip Flops, bare midriffs, sagging shorts, and inappropriate writing/pictures are BAD examples of what code?
What are Maccabi Themes?
Ketchup/Mustart/Relish, RedHotChilliPeppers/GreenDay/WhiteStripes,
Buckeyes/Blue Jackets/Crew, are past examples. |
Who is Sara?
This person is our go-to person for first-aid and is our head lifeguard at the pool.
What is Disc Golf?
This is a variation on golf that any camper can play, and Camp Hoover has two "holes"
In the song "Sweet Home Camp Hoover," a camper who is scared of a spider is assisted by his counselor using what form of bribery?
What are cell phones?
These devices should only be used when necessary, because once you look at them, you are NOT in ratio, and NOT watching the campers.
What is the tree at the end of the Zip-line
A camper can earn free canteen on the Zip-line by reaching this
Who is Nate?
This person is charge of the ropes course, and LOVES soccer.