First Aid | Fires | Miscellaneous |
What is
The first four steps of first aid
What you do if your body/clothes are on fire
Stop, Drop and Roll
What is square, bowline, half-hitch
Three types of knots
What is
The international sign for choking
What is log cabin and teepee
Two types of fire structures
What is a knife sharpening tool
Whet Stone
What is
How to treat sever bleeding in an arm
What is how to properly extinguish a fire
Water, dirt, stir, water, stir
What is something that sweet fourth year girls would never take the naive little first years out to do
Snipe hunt
What is
Ratio of breaths to compressions in CPR
What is steel wool/flint & wood friction
Two alternative fire-starting methods to matches
What is cumulonimbus, strattus, cirrus, etc.
Three types of clouds
What is SING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mormon Boy (show us)
What is poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac
Three types of poisonous plants