Aperture | Shutter Speed | Depth of Field | It's All Relative | Alternative Definitions |
What is Aperture?
This term is also referred to as F/s
What is Seconds?
This is what Shutter Speed is measured in
What is Depth of Field
This is controlled by Aperture
What is Aperture & Shutter Speed?
These are the Two Main things that affect light coming into the camera
What is Aperture?
This part of a camera works like an Eye
What is F/2?
This setting lets in more light. (F/2 - F/22)
What is 2 Seconds?
2" = This
What is Shallow Depth of Field?
Im going to use F/2 to create this type of DoF
What is Bulb?
This type of shot is only used at night time
What is F/s?
As this setting # gets bigger, Your Depth of Field would get Larger
What is Opposite?
Aperture size and Depth of Fields are _________
What is Slow Shutter Speed?
You would use this to Blur movement
What is Shallow Depth of Field?
This Depth of Field has something in focus and something that is not
What is Panning?
This type of shot is used when you are trying to stop action while blurring the background
What is Shutter Speed?
This is measured by how long your camera stays open to expose itself to the image
What is a Large Aperture?
When creating a Small Depth of Field you are using this
What is Freeze?
This happens to movement when using a Fast Shutter Speed
What is Everything?
This is what is in focus when you are using Large Depth of Field
What is a (Human) Tripod?
When using a slow shutter speed you would need to use (or become this)
What is ISO?
This controls how sensitive your camera is to light
What is F/s?
This setting is measured in Millimeters
What is 1/60?
This is the Ideal Shutter Speed
What is Large Depth of Field?
This kind of DoF results from using a Large F/S #
What is Grainy?
Your pictures will look ______ when using a High ISO Setting
What is F/22?
This Specific F/s # would cause very little light to come through the camera lens