Maps | Perks | Characters | Weapons | Story |
What map takes place at Resolution 1295?
Can pick up points, ammo, can see perk location through walls and can stand in green mist to have zombies leave you alone.
Name all effects of Vulture Aid.
Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, Edward Richtofen.
Name all characters in the original crew.
What gun turns zombies into humans?
They are searching for Peter McCain.
Why do Dempsey and his soldiers go to Verruckt?
Die Rise.
What map introduced the trample steam buildable?
What perk was introduced in tranzit?
Misty, Russman, Stuhlinger, Marlton.
Name all characters in the tranzit crew.(Nicknames are fine)
How much ammo does The Reaper have in total?
Richtofen, his soul is already in the house which is shown after Origins.
Who's soul isn't released at the end of the Gorod Krovi cutscene and why?
Mob of the Dead, Die Rise.
What maps can PHD Flopper be seen at but not attained?
What map introduced the most perks?
Maxis and Richtofen.
What two characters speak to the tranzit crew?
The Jet Gun.
What wonder weapon can break?
He died while fighting the Great War against the Apothicons.
How did the wolf king die in Der Eisendrache?
What map takes place first in the storyline out of all of the crews?
2 bullets are shot per one shot.
What feature was added to Double Tap in Black Ops 2?
Weasel(Mob of the Dead)
Who kills the rest of their crew?
31-79 JGb215.
What is the name of the baby gun?
Richtofen needed the pylons lit around the world and the Kronorium.
Why did Richtofen speak to Stuhlinger during the Black Ops 2 zombies storyline?
What map contains the most wonder weapons?
PHD Flopper, Stamin Up.
What two perks were introduced in Ascension?
Nero Blackstone, Jessica Rose, Floyd Campbell, Jackie Vincent.
Name all characters on Shadows of Evil.
The Baby Gun.(31-79 JGb215)
What weapon does the least amount of damage statistically?
Instead of Finn, Sal and Billy killing Weasel he kills them.
How do players break the cycle on Mob of the Dead?