Nutrition Exercise
What is water?
This clear substance makes up over 50% of our body. It is very important that we get plenty of this everyday.
What is Aerobic?
The word means "with air" and this kind of exercise makes your heart strong.
What is vegetables?
MyPlate is the current nutrition guide published by the United States Department of Agriculture. The plate is divided into sections of approximately 10 percent fruits, 20 percent protein, 30 percent grains, and 40% of this group of food.
What is swimming?
This kind of exercise comes in four styles: breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and free style.
What is sugar?
This substance can be found in candies and soda, and can cause cavities in your teeth.
What is marathron?
This form of exercise requires a person to run 26.2 miles each time.
What is milk?
People drink this white liquid to get protein which is an important building block for our body.
What is muscle?
Weight-lifting helps to build this part of your body.
What is trans fat?
This kind of fat is known as bad fat that can be found in fried food.
What is endorphin?
Your brain release this chemical which makes you feel happier after exercise.

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