O to UE stem changers | E to IE | E to I | de fĂștbol y baloncesto | Vocabulario de bĂ©isbol y tenis |
What is almorzar
To have lunch
What is comenzar
To begin
What is perdir
To ask
What is el tiempo
The half
What is el bateador
What is contar
To count
What is pensar
To think
What is reir
To fry
What is el balon
The ball
What is el bate
What is costar
To cost
What is entender
To understand
What is repetir
To repeat
What is el/la portero
What is el guante
Baseball glove
What is doler
To have pain
What is perder
To loss
What is servir
To serve
What is la porteria
The goal
What is el platillo
Home plate
What is dormir
To sleep
What is tener
To have
What is decir
To say
What is lanzar
To kick
What is la raqueta