VAN | Leg | Foot | Back | Abdominal Wall |
What is Sciatic nerve
This is the biggest nerve in the body
What is medial collateral ligament
MCL stands for this
What is plantar fascia
the most superficial level of the posterior foot
What is spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
What does slide out mean
What is psoas minor tendon
This is superficial to the psoas major
What is small saphenous vein
This vein runs in pair with the Sural nerve
What is Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus inermedius, vastus medialis
These are your quads
What is lumbricals
These muscles are in between flexor digitorum brevis
What is superior, middle, inferior
these are the three parts of the trapezius
What is rectus sheath
This anterior and posterior to the rectus abdominis
What is femoral artery
The profunda artery branches off of this artery
What is Semitendinosis, Gracilis, and Sartorius
These 3 muscle make up the Pes Anserine
What is adductor hallucinations
This makes a the shape of a 7 in the foot
What is latissimus dorsi
This is the most lateral part of the back
What is quadratus lumborum
This is above the iliacus
What is middle genicular artery
This genicular arteries becomes anterior
What is Posterior tibias, Flexor digitorum longus, Posterior tibial artery, Tibial Nerve, Flexor Hallucis longus
Tom, Dick, and Harry stands for
What is extensor hallucis brevis
This is under the extensor hallucis longus muscle
What is
spell iliocostalis
What is external abdominal oblique
This muscle goes up and out
What is obturator nerve
This is between the adductor brevis and adductor Magnus
What is Piriformis, superior Gemellus, Obturator internus, inferior Gemellus, O, Quradratus femurs
PGOGOQ stands for this
What is flexor hallucis brevis muscle
The flexor hallucis longus muscle runs on top of this muscle in the posterior foot
What is thoracolumbar fascia
the most inferior superficial part of the back
What is internal abdominal oblique
This muscle goes up and in