VOCABULARY 1 | PEOPLE 1 | Vocabulary 2 | People 2 | Miscellaneous |
What is Schism
Who is Ivan the Great
Ruler who was Russia's first czar
What is an Autocrat
Ruler with sole authority
Who is Justinian
"As head of the Byzantine Church, I am Christ's co-ruler on Earth"
What is one God
Muslims, Jews, and Christians all believed in
What is Crusade
Holy War
Who is Genghiz Khan
Chief who united the Mongols of central Asia
What is a schism
A permanent split
Who is a patriarch
"I am the highest Church official in Constantinople"
Who is Muhammad
He was a merchant before becoming the prophet of Islam
What is Vernacular
Everyday language of ordinary people
Who is Anna Comnena
A historian of the western world
What is an icon
A holy image
Who is Theodora
"But I shall stay. I accept the ancient proverb: Royal purple is the best burial sheet."
What is Moscow
This was the capital of Russia under the czars
What is common law
Law that was the same for all people
Who is Justinian
Byzantine emperor who developed a law code based on ancient Roman law
What is a boyar
A landowning noble
Who is a boyar
"These are my lands. The czar is not my lord"
What is the Reconquista
This was the campaign to drive the Muslims and Jews out of Spain
What is Scholasticism
A method of study that uses reason to support Christian beliefs
Who is Jadwiga
Polish queen who controlled a large state in Eastern Europe
What is a Czar
An absolute ruler in Russia
Who is Ivan the Great
"In nature I am like all men, but in authority I am like the highest God."
Who are the Ottoman Turks
This group finally conquered the Byzantine Empire