Managing Performance Dismissals Staffing Motivation Compensation
What is Similar-to-Me Error
An error in which an appraiser inflates the evaluation of an employee because of a mutual personal connection.
What is Organizational exit
The process of managing the way people leave an organization
What is Person-Organization Fit
the degree to which individuals are matched to the culture and values of the organization.
What is Ability
Competence in performing a job
What is Wages
Variable payments to employees calculated on the amount of time worked.
What is Ranking
A listing of all employees from highest to lowest in terms of best to worst performance
What is Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act – (WARN)
Act that requires some employers to give a minimum of 60 days’ notice if a plant is to close or if mass layoff will occur
What is Person-Job Fit
The degree to which individual are matched to the required competencies (KSAs) for a particular job.
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
A theory of motivation which suggests that there are five basic human needs, arranged in a hierarchy
What is Variable pay
Compensation linked to individual, team, or organizational performance usually in the form of stock options or bonuses
What is Essay
A form of performance appraisal which requires managers to write a short essay describing an employee’s performance
What is Downsizing or Reduction in Force (RIF)
Reducing the number of employees in an organization through a planned elimination of jobs
What is Situation interview
A type of interview which asks applicants how they would respond to a specific job situation related to the content of the job they are seeking
What is Esteem
In Maslow’s hierarchy, the need for respect and esteem in the eyes of oneself and others
What is Equity theory (in compensation)
The perceived fairness between what a person does (inputs) and what the person receives in terms of compensation (outcomes)
What is Essay Management by Objectives (MBO)
Specifying the performance goals that an individual and his or her manager agree the employee will to try to attain within an appropriate length of time
What is Severance package
A financial package offered to laid off employees which includes financial assistance and benefit continuation for a specified period of time
What is Negligent Retention
Occurs when an employer becomes aware that an employee may be unfit for employment, continues to employ the person, and the person injures someone
What is Expectancy
a person’s belief that a chance exists that a certain effort will lead to a particular level of performance which , in turn, will lead to certain outcomes
What is Pay compression
Occurs when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their skills, experience, or seniority
What is Recency error
Occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to recent occurrences and discounts the employee’s earlier performance during the appraisal period
What is Exit Interview
An interview conducted when an employee is terminating with the company in which the employee is asked to share their views on selected issues
What is Background check
The process of verifying information supplied by applicants who are being considered for employment, including, but not limited to, contacting former employers, obtaining educational records and
What is Equity Theory
A theory of motivation which states that individuals compare themselves to other people to see if their treatment is equitable
- Inequity exists when people perceive the ratio of their outcomes to inputs and the ratio of others’ outcomes to inputs are une
What is Benchmark jobs
Jobs found in many organizations, used as reference points when designing a pay structure

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