Organizational Culture/Teams/Career Development Equal Employment Opportunity Employee Rights and Discipline Health and Safety/International / Global HR/Labor Relations / Unions Employee Rights and Discipline/Equal Employment Opportunity
What is Philosophy or principles
Guides an organization’s policy toward employees and customers (ex. - fairness)
What is Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
The federal agency responsible for enforcing the laws and executive orders that apply to the federal government and its contractors.
What is Non-solicitation agreements
Prohibits ex-employees from encouraging former co-workers to join a different company, often a competitor
What is Confined Space Entry Standard
Addresses concerns over adequate oxygen content in the air, toxic substances exposure, and physical exposures for workers in confined spaces
What is Glass Ceiling
invisible barrier that blocks minorities and women from attaining senior executive positions
What is Storming
In this stage of team development, different ideas compete for consideration, the team addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve, how they will function independently and together and what leadership model they will accept
What is Three steps to developing an AAP
Utilization analysis, goals & timetables, action plans
What is Intellectual property and trade secrets agreements
Prohibits former employees from revealing key competitive information from their previous employer (enforceable due to patents and trademarks)
What is Machine Guarding
Provides general requirements for all machinery to protect operator and other employees
What is Reverse discrimination
discrimination against a nonprotected-class member resulting from attempts to recruit and hire protected-class members
What is OCB or Organizational Citizenship behavior
Acts that promote the organization’s interest, but are not formally a part of any person’s documented job requirements
What is Affirmative Action Plans (AAP)
Plans required by all government agencies and organizations with government contracts which focus on the hiring, training, promoting and compensating of protected classes where there are deficiencies
What is Discipline
A form of training that enforces organizational rules, models and strengthens desirable conduct or corrects undesirable conduct
What is Safety Programs
Programs which are used to help employees behave in a more safety-conscious manner in all aspects of safety
What is Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
A procedural document that is published by the government to assist employers in complying with federal regulations prohibiting discrimination
What is Tuition Assistance programs
A program designed to provide financial assistance to employees taking educational courses at an accredited college or university
What is Utilization Analysis
Describes an organizations current work force relative to the pool of qualified workers in the labor force but function and position type
What is Progressive discipline
Application of corrective measures by increasing degrees
What is Arbitration
The last step in a grievance procedure. The decision of the arbitrator, who is a neutral individual selected from outside the firm, is binding on both parties
What is Prima facie case
A possible case with enough evidence that it “on its face” appears to be discrimination or harassment
What is Apprenticeship
A technical skills training program which is usually a partnership between employers and unions and includes on-the-job training and related classroom instruction
What is Underutilization
occurs when members of protected groups are being inadequately represented within an organization’s workforce
What is Right to Privacy
Defined in legal terms for individuals as the freedom from unauthorized and unreasonable intrusion into their personal affairs
What is Expatriate Failure
Premature return of an expatriate usually due to under performance during the international assignment or inability of self or family to adjust to the local culture
What is Electronic CommunicationPrivacy Act
otects individuals' communications against government surveillance conducted without a court order, from third parties without legitimate authorization to access the messages, and from the carriers of the messages, such as Internet service providers. Ho


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