Corporate Strategy Career Development Equal Employment Opportunity Employee Rights and Discipline Management
What is Code of Ethics
Principles of conduct within an organization that guide decision making and behavior.
What is Entry or exploration Stage
In this stage of career development, individuals obtain job offers from desired organizations and select the most appropriate offer.
What is Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Prohibits discrimination due to pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions
What is Rules
Specific guidelines that regulate and restrict the behavior of individuals
What is Manager
A person who is in charge of others and is responsible for the timely and correct execution of actions who promote his or her unit’s success.
What is Organizational structure
The formal or informal relationships between people in an organization
What is Mid-career or maintenance Stage
In this stage of career development, individuals reassess career plans, remain productive in work and move laterally or vertically within their organization or another organization.
What is Business necessity
A legal defense for discrimination occurs when the employment practice is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the organization and there is an overriding business purpose for the discriminatory practice (ex. Drug test for truck drivers)
What is Negligence
Failure to provide reasonable care when such failure results in injury to consumers or other employees.
What is Span of control
Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.
What is Functional Organizational Structure
An organizational structure that defines departments by what services they contribute to the organization’s overall mission
What is Early Career Establishment and Achievement Stage
In this stage of career development, individuals learn the job as well as organizational rules and norms while increasing competence in their chosen occupation
What is The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
- Applies to employers with 20 or more employees
- Prohibits discrimination in employment against persons age 40 and over
What is Psychological contract
Expectations of a fair exchange of employment obligations between an employee and an employer
What is Four functions of management
Planning, organizing, directing and controlling
What is Matrix Organizational Structure
Organizational structure that utilize direct linkages of both departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both
What is Late-career or disengagement stage
In this stage of career development, individuals remain productive in work and prepare for retirement or a career-change
What is Hiring Quotas
Employer adjustments of hiring decisions to ensure that a certain number of people from a certain protected class are hired
What is Employment contract
An agreement that formally outlines the details of employment
What are Line employees
An employee involved directly in producing the company’s goods or delivering the services.
What is Divisional Organizational Structure
An organizational structure in which divisions are separated by product, customer, market or region
What is Career Path
A chart showing the possible directions and career opportunities available in an organization; it presents the steps in a possible career and a plausible timetable for accomplishing them.
What is Civil Rights Act of 1991
Amendment to Title VII which allows plaintiffs to request a trial by jury, prohibited voluntary hiring quotas , and in intentional discrimination cases, increased punitive and compensatory damages to persons claiming gender, religion or disability based d
What is Whistleblowing
Complaints to government agencies by employees about their employer’s illegal or immoral acts or illegal practices
What are Exempt employees
Employees who do not receive overtime compensation


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