Equal Employment Opportunity | Organizational Culture | Career Development | Diversity | Harassment |
What is Fair employment
The goal of EEO legislation and regulation: a situation in which employment decisions are not affected by illegal discrimination
What is Rituals
Actions that are repeated regularly to reinforce cultural norms and values (ex. Lunch from 12pm – 1pm, same store sales tracking)
What is Dual-career couple
A couple whose members both have occupational responsibilities and career issues at stake
What is Attitude
Beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies held by a person about specific objects, events, groups, issues, or people
What is Harassment
Conduct or actions, based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military membership or veteran status, severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile, abusive or intimidating work environment for a reasonable person
What is Affirmative action
A strategy intended to achieve fair employment by urging employers to hire certain groups of people who were discriminated against in the past
What is Language
A collection of verbal symbols that often reflect the organization’s particular culture (ex. Acronyms)
What is Dual-ladder careers
Career development programs that identify meaningful career paths for professional and technical people so that technical experts can take on future management and executive leadership roles.
What is Stereotype
A belief that all members of a specific group share certain traits
What is Sexual Harassment
A form of gender discrimination which includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other conduct of a sexual nature
What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibits harassment, discrimination, or segregation based on a protected class - race, color, national origin, religion and gender - in all terms and conditions of employment
What is Symbols
Objects, actions, or events that have special meanings and enable organization members to exchange complex ideas and emotional messages (ex. titles, )
What is Executive coaching
This type of coaching supports managers in mastering the fundamental principles and practices for achieving extraordinary results and empowering their staff’s success.
What is Prejudice
Holding a negative attitude toward members of a specific group
What is Reasonable Person Standard
A standard used in sexual harassment suits, referring to conduct or behavior so offensive in nature that any reasonable person, regardless of sex, would agree the conduct or behavior should be illegal
What is Discrimination
- Treating people differently, either intentionally or unintentionally on the basis of their race, color, national origin, religion or gender
- Any policy or action taken related to recruiting, hiring, promotion, pay or training practices that result in a |
What is Heroes
Successful people who embody the values and character of the organization and its culture (ex. – founders of the company)
What is Stages of Career Development
Process by which individuals progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relative unique issues, themes and tasks
What is Racism
A prejudice that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority in a particular race
What is Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Occurs when an employee is forced to choose between giving in to a superior’s sexual demands and forfeiting an economic benefit such as a pay increase, a promotion or continued employment
What is Adverse Impact
Results when rules or practices are applied to all employees resulting in a different and more inhibiting effect on a protected class than on the majority (unintentional
What is Stories
Accounts of past events that illustrate and transmit deeper cultural norms and values
What is Preparation Stage
In this stage of career development, individuals assess alternative occupations, develop initial occupational choice and pursue necessary education.
What is Discrimination
This is a negative behavior based on an attitude prejudice.
What is Hostile Work Environment
Occurs when sexual or other discriminatory conduct is so severe and pervasive that it interferes with an individual’s performance and creates an intimidating or threatening work environment